Thrive at Home earned SAGECare certification for its life-care-at-home service

Thrive at HomeCommunity


Thrive at HomeSM with Whitney Center received Platinum certification in SAGECare, a cultural sensitivity training for senior care providers that help organizations better accommodate the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. The platinum status is the highest certification level, indicating 80% of the organization’s staff have successfully completed the SAGECare program. The certification comes from Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders, commonly known as SAGE. They are the country’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving lives of LGBT older adults since 1978.

Thrive at Home is a Hamden-based health and wellness membership program that helps seniors remain healthy and independent in their own homes for “the rest of their lives.” Thrive at Home recognizes that the LGBT community needs educated providers who understand, acknowledge, and celebrate inclusion.

“We know that many LGBT older adults have experienced discrimination, social stigma, and prejudice at one point throughout their lives. At Thrive at Home, we are committed to treating every member of our community with empathy, kindness, and respect,” said Michelle M. Pandolfi, Thrive at Home’s executive director.

SAGECare training topics help attendees understand the cultures, needs, and concerns of older LGBT adults. With the recent SAGECare Platinum certification, the Thrive at Home staff are now fully equipped with the tools they need to provide the culturally competent care that the LGBT community deserves.

“Aging with dignity and respect is important to all of us. Aging in the comfort of your own home is also important to many of us. It can be especially important to a LGBT elder who may fear having to be closeted again if in need of facility-based long-term care. Knowing that LGBT older adults often do not access aging services out of fear of harassment, it was important to us to declare our inclusiveness regarding gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Becoming SageCare Platinum certified is just one of the ways we do that,” said Pandolfi.

With a focus on wellness and preventive care, Thrive at Home’s ideal is to help people stay in the comfort of their homes as they age. For the unknowns of life that arise, they coordinate and financially cover the full range of long-term and personal care needs their members have. A team of Personal Service Partners coordinate the services and provide valuable information, guidance, and continual support, allowing members to remain in control of their future.

Costs associated with care needs are included in the membership. For those signed up at the Diamond level, their future health care is completely guaranteed. This helps people protect their assets from being depleted by the rising cost of long-term care.

Anyone wishing to learn more about Thrive at Home can contact executive director Michelle M. Pandolfi at 203-848-2626 and Thrive at Home regularly holds interactive overview seminars throughout the area where people can bring their questions and learn more about the program.